6 thoughts on “Almost the weekend…

  1. Interesting conclusion about that model kit on this Website…


    Another very nice re-pop from Revell, this kit will build into a very good looking model. I have only heard good things about this kit, in its Special Hobby incarnation and can’t see anything difficult in the build. There is no engine, or gun bay that you may see in other kits of this scale, but this is not really a problem as it simplifies the build and probably improves the fit. There is scope for adding extra detail in the cockpit and undercarriage bays, but that’s about it. Personally I would only add some seat straps and build it out of the box. I can easily recommend this model to anyone interested in an unusual looking aircraft in a nice size.


  2. Hang in there Grumpy Old Modeler.

    Whenever you feel discouraged, read some of my posts about My Forgotten Hobby.
    Just a few.

    Remember this hobby is supposed to be fun.


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